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A family member holds a hospice patient's hand while in bed in LA or Orange County

What to Say to a Dying Person

Though it can be healthy to talk about death, it’s not always an easy thing to do. In fact, it usually never is. Additionally, it’s not always easy to know what to say to someone who is dying. Death is, understandably so, a difficult subject to broach. At Agape Hospice & Palliative Care, we understand this wholeheartedly, which is why we’ve gathered some suggestions for how to speak with a dying person.

Communicate With Compassion

When communicating with someone who is dying, it’s important to show compassion. You can do this by finding a meaningful way to connect. One way to do this is through offering comfort and support. Being yourself during this difficult time can be calming for the patient who is in the process of passing. Despite the high emotions involved during the trying time that is watching a loved one undergo the process of dying, it’s important not to shy away from your loved one. They want to feel comfort and support. This time is about them and not us.

Remind Them That They Are Loved

Often, the person dying is aware that they are dying. Saying “I love you” may feel small, though it’s anything but small. If the dying person is your loved one, this is appropriate and special. We all need to feel loved, and reminding them that they are loved, especially at a potentially scary time like this, can be comforting. Saying it freely and often can benefit both them and you.

Sometimes You Can Reminiscence

When speaking with someone who is dying, it’s important to follow their lead and let them be in control of the conversation. They may wish to speak about big events in their life or reminiscence about memories. During this time, keep their needs and feelings at the forefront of your thoughts. You can talk about memories with them, listen to their accomplishments if they wish to share, and speak on joyous occasions you shared together.

Simply Be There for Them

Some loved ones who are dying will have little to say or even nothing at all. In this case, your presence alone can provide them with comfort. If you’re able to physically be there for them during this trying time, it can be comforting to sit on the bed next to them or even just by holding their hand. It is presumed that hearing is the last of the sense to go before one passes away. Even if your loved one appears to be in a deep sleep, they can likely still hear you. The sound of your voice or the touch of your hand atop there may be all they need during this time.

Contact Agape Hospice & Palliative Care

For more information and helpful tips, you can reach out to the team at Agape Hospice & Palliative Care. Located in Torrance, CA, we serve patients throughout the surrounding areas as well, including Orange County, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, La Midas, and Lawndale. As compassionate hospice professionals, we are here to support those who are terminally ill. We are always available to answer any questions you may have about the dying process and the role of hospice. To have your questions answered, feel free to reach out to our team today.

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