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Compassionate Care from Agape Hospice & Palliative Care

Agape Hospice & Palliative Care, your trusted, locally owned compassionate hospice care provider in Fullerton, CA, understands that transitioning into hospice care can be challenging for patients and their families. Our team provides professional, personalized support every step of the way. From pain management to emotional support, we strive to offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure that every patient receives the highest level of care they deserve. With our compassionate and skilled team by your side, you know your loved one receives the care and support they deserve during this challenging time. We are honored to be part of your journey and provide the highest quality of care possible.

An image of someone holding hands with a hospice care patient in Fullerton, CA.

Why Choose Agape Hospice & Palliative Care?

Choosing Agape Hospice & Palliative Care is choosing an unwavering commitment to quality, personalized, and compassionate end-of-life care. We understand the unique and often challenging journey accompanying a life-limiting illness, and our dedicated team is equipped to support the patient and their loved ones every step of the way. Our holistic approach to hospice care prioritizes patients’ needs, from medical pain management to emotional support and spiritual guidance. Additionally, our services extend beyond the patient, offering bereavement support to families and training for caregivers. With us, you are choosing a dignified, peaceful, and loving farewell for your loved one, backed by a team of professionals prioritizing their comfort and quality above all else.

Our Personalized Hospice Care

Each of our services is comprehensive and personalized. Our team of skilled professionals includes doctors, nurses, social workers, spiritual counselors, and volunteers, all working together to provide a holistic approach to care. The services we offer include pain and symptom management, emotional and spiritual support, and assistance with daily activities. As part of our commitment to personalized care, we also offer palliative care services to alleviate discomfort and improve the quality of life for our patients. Here is a closer look at the services we offer:

  • Bereavement & Social Services – Our teams provide empathetic support and counseling services to patients and their families, helping them manage the profound emotions accompanying grief and loss.
  • Personalized Care Services – We offer individualized care services tailored to each patient’s unique needs, preferences, and comfort, ensuring a uniquely personal approach to end-of-life care.
  • Nursing Services & Hospice Care – Our team of professional nurses is available 24/7, delivering exceptional medical care, managing symptoms, and providing targeted pain relief, all aimed at maximizing our patients’ comfort and quality of life.
  • Bereavement Support Services – At Agape, our commitment to supporting families extends beyond the passing of a loved one. We provide essential resources and support to help families navigate their grief journey and adapt to life after loss.
  • Hospice & Palliative Care Physicians – Our specialized physicians are dedicated to hospice and palliative care, focusing on alleviating symptoms and managing discomfort to uphold patient comfort and dignity.
  • Advanced Care Planning/POLST – We assist patients in making informed decisions about their end-of-life care. Our role includes providing advanced care planning resources and the facilitation of Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST).
A nurse helps a hospice patient walk in his Fullerton, CA home

Discover the Benefits of Hospice

Choosing hospice care for a loved one can be a difficult decision, but it offers a wide range of benefits. Hospice care provides comfort, dignity, and quality of life at the end of life’s journey. It helps manage pain and other distressing symptoms provides much-needed support for caregivers and offers counseling and spiritual support for patients and their families. Most importantly, hospice care allows patients to spend their final days in a familiar, comfortable environment surrounded by loved ones.

Your Partners on this Journey

When it’s time to consider hospice care, Agape Hospice & Palliative Care is here for you. Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care with a personal touch. We are proud to be a locally owned and operated service, ensuring you always receive the care and attention you deserve. Take the first step towards a more comfortable, dignified journey by reaching out to us today. Let us be your trusted partner in providing exceptional hospice and palliative care services. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you and your loved ones during this time.

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